Do you need a private business line and a FAX line for your business, are you tired of using your private cell phone number to conduct business communications? Then try JetStarPBX.

Do you need to visit your customers to stay in touch or need to make a virtual presentation to a new prospect or current customer? Do you need to hold internal meetings with your remote associates? Then try JetStarVideo.

Do you have some of your people working remotely? Do your people need to share files with each other, collaborate and/or edit those files with each other simultaneously? Do you need a common repository for company files and presentations? Do you need the ability to set different levels of access permissions and sharing authorizations? Then try JetStarCloud.

Do you need to keep track of all your prospects and customers and all of your contact points with them in one central online database which has a complete history of all your interactions with them? Then try JetStarCRM.

Contact Sales at 469-498-0080 / Ext. 1001 for more information.